Sunday, May 6, 2012

Social Censorship and Nothing

When I first started on Facebook in Fall 2008 I was in a competition with my office mate to add as many friends as possible. As I mentioned before, I was most thrilled to connect with my former classmates. I still enjoy FB and log in daily to catch-up with my Friends.

I'm going to admit now that I don't even know some of my Friends. And in the course of embracing social media and connecting to everyone one has ever known or known of, does this force us to censor ourselves?

Are we saying what we really want to say?  By being connected to every family member and co-worker are we really being ourselves? And to those who fully embrace a no-holds barred approach to sharing, do you sometimes cringe for them a little?

How many times have you been with your Friends and started to say something and they respond, "Oh yeah, I saw that on your post." No need to talk then! If you miss one of their posts you may be out of the loop on a life-changing event.

We know how important Social Media is to business. It's really our only safe complaint zone (as long as the complaint is not about your own business.) We want to know that someone out there is listening and we get little rewards knowing that they are.

I just wonder if we are all so connected now that we will run out of things to say. I am still trying to embrace Twitter, but I secretly think it is a stream of "nothing." The iconic actress Joan Crawford was known for writing thank you notes and then thank yous for the thank you, etc. She would have loved Twitter.

In the end, will Social Media end up like "Seinfeld," a really great show about nothing? Not that there's anything wrong with that...and don't forget to follow me on Twitter @jetsonlg and I will Tweet you back!

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