Sunday, July 1, 2012

Confessions of an Emmy Voter

It is my favorite time of year: Emmy Season! Since April I have been getting surprise packages in the mail. Every year I fear this will end and networks will go digital. I especially love to see the creative packaging since this what I do for a living too.

I am a member of the Television Executives branch of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences --go figure! I worked at NBC for 13 years and I continue to pay my annual dues so I am eligible to vote for Programs.

I love TV and watching TV shows on a TV. I'm trying to embrace other platforms like my Kindle or laptop, but I am by large the traditional sit-in-my-lazyboy with dog on my lap kind of TV watcher. I still love Fall Launch (memories of my NBC boss saying every year, "This is the most important fall launch ever!" and she was right). The older I get, the more fickle I have become though. If I am not hooked after a couple episodes I move on.

There are a couple of shows I never started and wish I had like The Good Wife and Breaking Bad. I count on my friends and co-workers to keep me informed and will take buzz-worthy shows into consideration. Every year I have the same good intentions to watch everything I get in my coveted packages but I fall far short of my goal.

Here are some of the cool packages I got: a lunchbox from Food Network, ALL of Mad Men, a bunch of HBO stuff which is great because I don't subscribe, a cool dossier for Damages, a fun map of Portland for Portlandia and a douchebag jar from New Girl.

Despite my good intentions, I couldn't watch even a fraction of what they sent me. I couldn't even keep all the packaging and resorted to stacking them on a spindle.

My ballot has been cast and I'll find out on July 19 how my shows did. In August I'll get to do at-home judging for two program categories. I usually pick non-fiction specials because they are interesting and usually something I hadn't but should have watched. Had a tough time even picking 10 shows for best non-fiction series or reality series. Sorry Kardashians, just because you make a gazillion dollars over nothing does not make you Emmy-worthy in my book!

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