Friday, January 3, 2014

The Backstage Pass*

American Idol Productions recently treated me to a trip to Hollywood(!) to preview Hollywood Week. Here’s some of what happened:

I’m going to have to improve on my multitasking-while-giddy skills. As I followed my fellow Idol Tweethearts from the Roosevelt Hotel across the street to The Dolby Theatre for our special behind-the-scenes sneak peek at American Idol Hollywood Week, I was all thumbs trying to take pictures. Should I use my camera or iPhone? If I use my iPhone do I use the camera or Instagram? If I use Instragram should I post to Twitter and/or Facebook? For those unfamiliar with this section of Hollywood Blvd., we were also passing a slew of random celebrity impersonators like Spiderman, Barney and Marilyn Monroe, adding to my giddiness factor.

We had our official American Idol Backstage passes on as we entered the artist’s entrance. 

My first shot was of the Seth McFarlane Oscar poster.
It made me laugh after my Hollywood Bowl debacle
when I thought he was Peter Brady
(see FB post from August).

 Next, a bunch of directional signs, especially the “confessional” sign. Personally, I wouldn't want to be caught blubbering on TV, but that's the risk of a ticket to Hollywood Week!

My third was of a purple wall, completely missing the RS dressing room sign for Ryan Seacrest.
My photo skills are top-notch, don’t you agree?

Meanwhile, as my colleagues were clicking and texting away, seemingly composing 200-word blogs on the fly, I was looking for the pen and notepad I purchased earlier that morning.

Our first stop was a catered lunch where I had a moment to compose both myself and my first tweet.

 You can take the girl out of print, but you can't take the print out of the girl. After all these years I still think lenticulars are cool. Google glasses would have made me happy too, but we probably would have had to turn those back in. Besides, it was Wednesday, 30 minutes before my favorite weekly tweetchat #printchat.

It was a good thing I got my little tweet out, because five minutes later all hell broke loose when Harry Connick, Jr. entered the room. (to be continued…)

#AmericanIdol, #idolsponsoredvip, #idoltweethearts, #printchat, #HarryConnickJr, #GoogleGlasses #SethMcFarlane

*While I received travel, accommodations and tickets from American Idol, all opinions are my own.

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