Thursday, October 11, 2012

SheSays LA: Step Left!

I learned early on in the digital age that there are two types of people: Those who love what they do and want to teach you everything they know; and those who don't want to teach you anything because you might move ahead of them. Luckily, the room was full of the former for SheSays LA's free event "Start Your Engine" last night at the super cool SapientNitro offices in Santa Monica.

Luz Plaza(@LuzPlaza) moderated a well-balanced panel of Start Up experts including Elizabeth Osder (@osder), SVP, Strategy & Business Development at JumpTime; Sheila Darcey (@art1st1c), Client Executive and Delivery Lead at SapientNitro (and a very gracious hostess); Kayla Green (@kaylagreen) Senior Global Account Director at iconmobile LLC; and Heather Seal (@hseal) Experience Designer at BLITZagency. I'm pretty sure Kayla and Heather will have new jobs before you finish reading this article--that's how fast moving this industry is!

Luz quoted a recent article in Forbes stating that women comprise less than 3% of top creative positions. Elizabeth wasn't surprised by that figure. She said she has often been the first woman to show up and she has the history to prove it. Elizabeth was the first female legally allowed to play in Little League!

What is it like to work for a start-up? Kayla described it as "fun chaos, like misfits in the wild, wild west." Heather said she took a risk and jumped in, leaving behind stability and a regular salary. Elizabeth likes to go where she will learn the most, not just for a better title. Sheila has taken on many roles in one company from HR to program management to the account side.

One recurring theme from the discussion was about taking risks with your career. More than one panelist talked about taking a step to the left, taking the road less travelled and having confidence in what you do. Sheila advised "You are a walking brand. Be influential in your message." The old school model of staying several years at one company or in one position is frowned upon. Now, two years is the average stint.

Luz asked the panelists to share the best advice someone told them. Elizabeth said "You're OK, you're in the right place." She joked "be willing to learn what you pretend to know!" Sheila said "it's a career, not just work. Leave the heaviness behind and have fun." Heather advised "You can do anything and go anywhere. Life is too short to be unhappy with your situation." Kayla paraphrased FB COO Sheryl Sandberg, "Don't climb the ladder, scale the jungle gym. Take a step left and right and experience the whole thing."

Thanks to SheSays LA and the four panelists for their inspiring insights into the paths they have taken.

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